
Part D - Shipment of empty Uranium shielded containers
1 Assure that the package does not contain a radioactive source. Perform the following
procedure to confirm there are no unauthorized source assemblies within the container:
Transfer the authorized source assembly from the Model 880 in accordance with the
source changer operations manual.
After removing the source assembly and disconnecting the source assembly, attach the jumper
(dummy connector without a serial number) to the male connector of the control cable.
Retract the control cable and jumper and disconnect the controls from the
locking mechanism.
Insert the protective cover into the locking mechanism, rotate the selector ring into the
lock position, engage the plunger lock and remove key.
Remove the source identification tag from the Model 880 and place it with the
source assembly.
In some regulatory jurisdictions, ‘empty’ labels or tags must be attached to the
empty Model 880.
2 If the shipping package is to be placed inside a crate or other outer packaging, the outer
packaging must be strong enough to withstand the normal conditions of transport and must
not reduce the safety of the package. The shipping package must be placed within the outer
package with sufficient blocking to prevent shifting during transportation. [49CFR173.25]
3 Assure that the levels of removable radioactive contamination on the outside surface of
the outer package does not exceed 0.00001 microcurie per cm
. [49CFR173.443]
4 Survey the package at the surface and at 1m from the surface to determine the proper
shipping labels to be applied to the package.
NOTE: If the surface radiation level does not exceed 0.5mRem/hr (5µSv/hr) and there is no
measurable radiation level at 1m from the surface, continue with the instructions in section
5 and skip section 6. If either of these levels are exceeded, skip section 5 and continue with
the instructions in section 6.
5 If the surface radiation level does not exceed 0.5mRem/hr (5µSv/hr) and there is no
measurable radiation level at 1m from the surface, no label is required.
a Mark the outside of the package with the proper shipping name and identification
number (Radioactive Material, Excepted Package - Articles Manufactured from Depleted
Uranium, UN2909) and the statement ‘Exempt from specification packaging, shipping
paper and certification, marking and labeling and exempt from the requirements of
49CFR Parts 171-178 except requirements within those parts relating to the reporting
of Incidents and decontamination, the training requirements of Subpart H of Part 172
and the shipping paper requirement of Subpart C of Part 172. This exemption is
Authorized per 49CFR173.426.’
Additionally, a notice must be enclosed in or on the package, included with the packing
list or otherwise forwarded with the package. The notice must include the name of the
consignor or consignee and the statement:
‘This package conforms to the conditions and limitations specified in 49CFR173.426 for
Radioactive Material, Excepted packages - Articles Manufactured from Depleted Uranium,
UN2909’. [49CFR173.422 49CFR173.426]
b Properly complete the shipping papers, including:
i. For all shipments the following statements:
‘Exempt from specification packaging, shipping paper and certification, marking and
labeling and exempt from the requirements of 49CFR Parts 171-178 except requirements
within those parts relating to the reporting of Incidents and decontamination, the
training requirements of Subpart H of Part 172 and the shipping paper requirement of
Subpart C of Part 172. This exemption is Authorized per 49CFR173.426.’