Thanks for purchasing Senario VS-MAXX™ Texas Hold‘Em 6-Player TV Poker game system! All
VS-MAXX™ brand products are battery powered plug-n-play video game systems designed for
many hours of game-playing fun. This game system has one main console and six separate
handsets that allows up to 6 players to play at the same time. The console includes a ten-foot
audio/video cable that connects to your television, video monitor or VCR. Each of the six
handsets has its own five-foot nine-prong cable that connects to the main console. The game
unit is portable, so you can take it anywhere!
Please read the following contents prior to connecting and playing your VS-MAXX™ game
system to ensure proper use and care.
1. Power Source, Battery Installation, Replacement and Warning page 2
2. Controls and Connections page 3
3. Using and Caring for Your VS-MAXX™ page 4
4. Troubleshooting page 6
5. Warnings and Precautions page 7
6. Game Instructions page 8