Note that only a certain amount of handset will be activated when number of players have be
chosen for game play. Example: if a 4-player game has been selected, only 4 handsets will be
activated even if more than 4 handsets are plugged in the console. Also, the player must make
sure that at least one handset is plugged into the #1 port on console at all time in order to play the
• Each player begins with the same amount of chips that was established through the chip
option screen. The chip amount will be displayed by each player’s number (1 through 6)
and will change (up or down) throughout play.
• On the first hand of the game, the dealer button (yellow circle marked with the letter “D”)
will roll around the green table surface clockwise two times and land on a random player.
It will then move one space clockwise each time a hand is played. The dealer button will
indicate which player is the actual dealer for that hand.
• After the cards have been dealt for the first round of play, the player immediate left of the
dealer will automatically post the “SMALL BLIND” (one ping sound). The player to the
immediate left of the “SMALL BLIND” will automatically post the “BIG BLIND” (two ping
sound). The player to the immediate left of the “BIG BLIND” has the first option to bet.
• In each subsequent cycle of betting, the player immediate left of the dealer has the first
betting option. Note that there are up to 4 possible betting cycles per round. One cycle
equal to the initial bet and 3 subsequent raises.
• The small blind is half the amount of the bet on the first card. Example - in a $20/$40
game, the small blind bet is $10. Please note that if it is a $5/$10 game, the small blind is
a $2 bet. This is the only time when the small blind is not exactly half the amount of the
initial bet.
• The big blind is the same amount as the initial bet. Example - in a $20/$40 game, the big
blind is an automatic $20 bet.