The communication cables are fiber optic type cables, and should be handled carefully.
Improper handling may result in damage (such as from folding) that would render them
● Do not place heavy objects on the cables or step on them.
● When connecting or disconnecting the cables and connectors, always hold the con-
nectors. Do not hold the cables.
● Be careful not to allow the connection surfaces at the ends of the communication
cables to become dirty.
● Be careful not to bend the communication cables too much. The tightest permissible
bend radius is 2.5 cm.
● Always carefully confirm the direction when connecting the connectors.
The RX and TX connectors are used to connect the communication cables to the shield case in the main
projection unit and the Naomi shield cases inside the satellites. All the shield cases must be linked, using fiber
optic cable to connect the RX connector for the shield case in the main projection unit to the TX connector
for each Naomi shield case in each satellite, and using other communication cables to connect the RX
connector in each satellite with the TX connectors in the shield cases for each of the other satellites.
The connector at one end of each communication cable is red, and the connector at the other end is black. The
connectors for the shield case communication cables are designated "RX" and "TX". Connect "RX" to the red
connector and "TX" to the black connector.