● Perform assembly work by following the procedure herein stated. Failing to com-
ply with the instructions can cause electric shock hazard.
● Perform assembling as per this manual. Since this is a complex machine, errone-
ous assembling can cause an electric shock, machine damage and or not function-
ing as per specified performance.
● When assembling, be sure to use plural persons. Depending on the assembly
work, there are some cases in which working by one person alone can cause per-
sonal injury or parts damage.
● Ensure that connectors are accurately connected. Incomplete connections can
cause electric shock hazard.
● This work should be performed by maintenance or service personnel. Attempts
to perform this work by unqualified personnel could result in electrical shock or
other serious accidents. Furthermore, work not performed according to the in
structions in this Owner's Manual could result in electrical shock to customers or
other serious accidents. If no qualified personnel are available, please contact the
dealer from which this product was purchased or the office shown on this Owner's
Manual to request service. This is to ensure safety.
● Be careful not to damage the wiring. Damage to wiring could cause electrical
shock or shorting.
● Do not expose power cables, earth wires, or fiber optic cables in passageways, etc.
Exposure could lead to damage, possibly causing electrical shock or shorting. Be
sure to use protective cable covers if cables must be laid on floors. (Cable diam
eters: Approx. 1/8” for power cables, Approx.1/5” for optic fiber cables.
● In order to ensure safe and reliable work, be sure to provide a stable step or step-
ladder. Performing work without a step or stepladder can lead to slips and falls.
● Work should be performed in a flat area measuring at least 12 ft square. Accidents
may occur in a workspace that is smaller than this requirement, or that is on an
incline, is uneven, or has channels in the floor. The work itself will also be more
difficult to perform if this requirement is compromised.
12 feet
12 feet