
8. Modbus protocol
8. 11. Communication scanner
The communication scanner can be used to enhance application performance. The drive automatically copies non-contiguous parameters
to an input table and an output table. Thus, the copy of several non-contiguous parameters can be read or written in a single request (an
operation which would normally have required several Modbus requests).
The input table and the output table each contain 8 variables.
The values of these communication scanner variables can be displayed on the graphic display terminal using the
[1.2-MONITORING] menu, [COMMUNICATION MAP] (CMM) submenu (see section "7. Diagnostics - 7.4 Communication scanner").
These parameters can be accessed via all the read and write requests supported by the drive.
There is a marked improvement in performance for the following functions:
Output variables Logic address Default assignment
[Com Scan Out1 val.] (nC1) 12 761 = 16#31D9 Control word (CMd)
[Com Scan Out2 val.] (nC2) 12 762 = 16#31DA Speed reference (LFrd)
[Com Scan Out3 val.] (nC3) 12 763 = 16#31DB Not used
[Com Scan Out4 val.] (nC4) 12 764 = 16#31DC Not used
[Com Scan Out5 val.] (nC5) 12 765 = 16#31DD Not used
[Com Scan Out6 val.] (nC6) 12 766 = 16#31DE Not used
[Com Scan Out7 val.] (nC7) 12 767 = 16#31DF Not used
[Com Scan Out8 val.] (nC8) 12 768 = 16#31E0 Not used
Input variables Logic address Default assignment
[Com Scan In1 val.] (nM1) 12 741 = 16#31C5 Status word (EtA)
[Com Scan In2 val.] (nM2) 12 742 = 16#31C6 Output speed (rFrd)
[Com Scan In3 val.] (nM3) 12 743 = 16#31C7 Not used
[Com Scan In4 val.] (nM4) 12 744 = 16#31C8 Not used
[Com Scan In5 val.] (nM5) 12 745 = 16#31C9 Not used
[Com Scan In6 val.] (nM6) 12 746 = 16#31CA Not used
[Com Scan In7 val.] (nM7) 12 747 = 16#31CB Not used
[Com Scan In8 val.] (nM8) 12 748 = 16#31CC Not used
Code Modbus name Description Size of data
3 = 16#03 Read Holding Registers Read N output words 63 words, max.
4 = 16#04 Read Input Registers Read N input words 63 words, max.
16 = 16#10 Write Multiple Registers Write N output words 61 words, max.
23 = 16#17 Read/Write Multiple Registers Read/write N words 20/20 words max.
43 = 16#2B Read Device Identification Identification