6. Configuration
6. 3. Communication scanner
The communication scanner enables all the application-relevant parameters to be grouped in 2 consecutive word tables so that single read
and write operations may be performed. It is even possible to perform a single transaction using the "Read/Write Multiple Registers" (23 =
16#17) function.
The 8 output variables are assigned using the 8 [Scan.Outp address] (nCAp) parameters. They are configured using the graphic display
terminal via the [1.9 - COMMUNICATION] (COM-) menu, [COM. SCANNER OUTPUT] (OCS-) submenu.
The 8 input variables are assigned using the 8 [Scan. INp address] (nMAp) parameters. They are configured using the graphic display
terminal via the [1.9 - COMMUNICATION] (COM-) menu, [COM. SCANNER INPUT] (ICS-) submenu.
Enter the logic address of the parameter (see the Parameters Manual).
If a [Scan.Outp address] (nCAp) or [Scan. INp address] (nMA p) parameter equals zero, the corresponding variable is not used by the
These 16 assignment parameters are described in the tables below:
Example of configuration via the graphic display terminal:
Any modification to parameters [Scan.Outp address] (nCAp) or [Scan. INp address] (nMAp) must be made with the motor stopped. The
master PLC program should be updated to take account of this modification.
Configuration parameter name Default assignment of the output variable
[Scan. Out1 address] (nCA1 ) Control word (CMd)
[Scan. Out2 address] (nCA2 ) Speed reference (LFrd)
[Scan. Out3 address] (nCA3) Not used
[Scan. Out4 address] (nCA4) Not used
[Scan. Out5 address] (nCA5 ) Not used
[Scan. Out6 address] (nCA6 ) Not used
[Scan. Out7 address] (nCA7 ) Not used
[Scan. Out8 address] (nCA8 ) Not used
Configuration parameter name Default assignment of the input variable
[Scan. IN1 address] (nMA1) Status word (EtA)
[Scan. IN2 address] (nMA2) Output speed (rFrd)
[Scan. IN3 address] (nMA3) Not used
[Scan. IN4 address] (nMA4) Not used
[Scan. IN5 address] (nMA5) Not used
[Scan. IN6 address] (nMA6) Not used
[Scan. IN7 address] (nMA7) Not used
[Scan. IN8 address] (nMA8) Not used
RDY NET +0.00Hz 0A RDY NET +0.00Hz 0A
Scan. IN1 address : 3201 Scan. Out1 address : 8501
Scan. IN2 address : 8604 Scan. Out2 address : 8602
Scan. IN3 address : 0 Scan. Out3 address : 0
Scan. IN4 address : 0 Scan. Out4 address : 0
Scan. IN5 address : 0 Scan. Out5 address : 0
Code Quick Code Quick
Scan. IN6 address : 0 Scan. Out6 address : 0
Scan. IN7 address : 0 Scan. Out7 address : 0
Scan. IN8 address : 0 Scan. Out8 address : 0