
38 Fieldbus interface
3 Basics IL•1F CANopen DS301
0198441113586, V2.01, 11.2008
Reference positions are entered in increments, reference speeds in
If operating mode, reference position and reference speed are transmit-
ted simultaneously in one PDO, data consistency is required. For this
reason, the product evaluates the operating mode data only if bit 7 was
toggled. Toggling means that a "0 -> 1" or a "1 -> 0" change of edge was
Bit 7 is mirrored in the response PDO4 from the product so that synchro-
nized operation is possible via PDO4.
Handling of errors Requests for operating mode are triggered by toggling the bit 7 . If these
requests cannot be executed, the product provides an error response as
described in section Transmit PDO4 - Handling of errors. Transmit PDO T_PDO4 (product to master)
With the default product settings, the transmit PDO is sent asynchro-
nously and in an "event-driven" way; an "Inhibit Time" can be set.
The product provides the master with the following information via
State of state machine
Errors and warnings
Active operating mode
Status of active operating mode
Operating mode terminated
Error occurred
Reference speed or reference position reached
Actual position
Slave referenced
Acknowledgement of operating mode requests
Status of the 24 V inputs and outputs
Note that any changes to the values of these parameters are exe-
cuted by the drive controller immediately on receipt of the data
Verify that the system is free and ready for movement before
changing these parameters.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious
injury or equipment damage.