18 Fieldbus interface
3 Basics IL•1F CANopen DS301
0198441113586, V2.01, 11.2008
3.1.4 CANopen profiles
Standardized profiles Standardized profiles describe objects that are used with different de-
vices without additional configuration. The users and manufacturers or-
ganization CAN in Automation has standardized various profiles. These
• DS301 communication profile
• DSP402 device profile
Figure 3.3 CANopen reference model
DS301 communication profile The DS301 communication profile is the interface between device pro-
files and CAN bus. It was specified in 1995 under the name DS301 and
defines uniform standards for common data exchange between different
device types under CANopen.
The objects of the communication profile in the device carry out the
tasks of data exchange and parameter exchange with other network de-
vices and initialize, control and monitor the device in the network.
Objects of the communication profile are:
• Process Data Objects = PDO
• Service Data Objects = SDO
• Objects with special functions for synchronization SYNC and for
error messages and error response EMCY
• Network management NMT objects for initialization, error monitor-
ing and device status monitoring.
DSP402 device profile The DSP402 device profile describes standardized objects for position-
ing, monitoring and settings of drives. The tasks of the objects include:
• Device monitoring and status monitoring (Device Control)
• Standardized parameterization
• Changing, monitoring and execution of operating modes
IMPORTANT: The product does not support the CiA 402 device profile.
Vendor-specific profiles The basic functions of a device can be used with objects of standardized
device profiles standardized. Only vendor-specific device profiles offer
the complete range of functions. The objects with which the special func-
tions of a device can be used under CANopen are defined in these ven-
dor-specific device profiles.
Physical Layer
Data Link Layer
Application Layer
CANopen Communication Profile (CiA DS 301)
Device Profile for Drives and Motion Control (CiA DSP 402)