DCS provides distinctive ring patterns to your keyset:
• Outside calls have a single ring tone re p e a t e d .
• Internal calls have a double ring tone re p e a t e d .
• Door phone calls and alarm/appointment reminders have a short
ring tone repeated very quickly.
The keys on your phone have light emitting diodes (LEDs). Some of
these are tri-coloured LEDs that light green, red or amber (green and
red together). Some of the keys can only light re d .
I n t e r com calls, also called internal calls, always appear on your C A L L
buttons. They will always light green. You can have up to eight C A L L
buttons, but two are re c o m m e n d e d .
Outside calls appear on individual line keys if they are assigned. When
an individual line is not assigned to its own key, it will appear on a
CALL button. Your outside calls will light green on your keyset and
red on other keysets.
You never lose sight of your calls while they are on hold. They stay
right where you put them and are identified with a green flashing
l i g h t .
Some simple rules to re m e m b e r :
• Any steady LED indicates the line or feature is in use.
• A fast flashing green LED indicates a new call ringing in.
• A slow flashing green or red LED indicates a call is on hold.
• A slow flashing amber LED indicates a recall to your keyset.
P r essing the ANS/RLS key will answer or release a call on the speaker
phone. Switching from the handset to the speakerphone is easy. Pre s s
the SPK key and hang up the handset.
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