DCS telephones are called "keysets". They contain buttons or "ke y s "
that are used to access or activate the many features of your off i c e
phone system. The keys with paper designation strips are
p rogrammable keys. This means they can be programmed for a
specific function on your keyset and that same button can be
something diff e r ent on another keyset. See the system manager to get
your most frequently used features assigned to your pro g r a m m a b l e
keys. When changes are made, be sure that your programmable keys
a re relabeled pro p e r l y.
Lines from the telephone company are "C.O. lines". Calls on these lines
a re re f e r r ed to as "outside calls". Your system can have individual C.O.
line keys or lines may be assigned to groups. When they are in a
g r oup, you access a line by dialing an access code or pressing a ro u t e
button. For example: dial 9 or press the L O C A L key to get a local
outside line. If Least Cost Routing is used, pressing the L C R key will
automatically select a pre p rogrammed C.O. line according to what
digits are dialed. Each line in the system is numbered, beginning with
701, then 702, 703, etc.
D i rect Station Selection (DSS) keys are programmed to ring specific
stations. You can press a DSS key instead of dialing the extension
n u m b e r. A DSS key will light red when that station is busy (Busy
Lamp Indication).
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