Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2G: Using the Internal Phone Book 72
Sorting the Address Book
Entries can be sorted in the Address Book by company and last name,
instead of by last name and first name. These settings do not modify the
data stored in the Address Book, it just sorts the information differently.
Sorting the Address Book Entries
In the Address List screen, tap the Menu Launcher
2. Select Options and tap Preferences.
3. In the List By field, tap the desired option.
4. Tap OK.
Beaming Address Book Entries
Using the Infrared (IR) port, you can exchange Address Book entries to
other mobile devices. Once the Beam Receive feature is activated, you can
beam any of the following:
ᮣ Business Card - The business card is a specially designated entry
containing information you normally exchange with business
contacts. Your business card can be sent quickly using one-touch
ᮣ Address Entry -You can select any entry in the Address Book and
beam it to another IR mobile device.
ᮣ Category of Address Entries - You can beam all entries in an
Address Book category to another IR mobile device.
Creating a Business Card
1. In the Address List, tap “New”
2. Enter all the necessary business information in the spaces provided.
3. Tap the Menu Launcher icon .
Select Record and tap Select Business Card to designate this entry
as your business card.
5. Tap Yes to confirm.
6. Tap Done to exit. Notice that there is a new icon displayed next to the
entry that identifies this record as your business card.