Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2D: Controlling Your Roaming Experience 46
ᮣ Though callers can leave voicemail messages while you are
roaming, you will not receive notification until you return to the
Sprint Nationwide PCS Network. While roaming, you should
periodically check your voicemail box for new messages by dialing
1+area code+your PCS Phone Number. Press when you hear
your greeting and enter your pass code at the prompt.
ᮣ There are security and privacy risks (eavesdropping and cloning)
that exist with conventional analog services today.
ᮣ Your battery needs recharging sooner when you use your phone for
analog roaming.
Note: If you’re on a call when you leave the Sprint Nationwide PCS
Network and enter an area where roaming is available (whether digital or
analog), your call is dropped. If your call is dropped in an area where you
think PCS Service is available, turn your phone off and on again to
reconnect to the Sprint Nationwide PCS Network.
Note: When using your phone in analog mode, the handset may feel warm.
This behavior is normal for analog operation.
Setting Your Phone’s Roam Mode
Your PCS Phone allows you to control your ability to roam. By using the
Roaming menu option, you determine which signals your phone
Set Mode
To set the mode
1. From the phone main menu, tap the Menu Launcher icon .
2. Select Options and tap Preferences.
3. Tap the drop down arrow and select Roaming.
4. The Roaming Preferences screen is displayed with the following
Service Mode
ᮣ Automatic: This setting seeks PCS Service. When PCS Service is
unavailable, it searches for an alternative system.