RoyalTek GPS Receiver REB-2000/REB-12R REV-2000 Operational Manual
Table 12 Query/Rate Control Data Format(See example 1.)
Name Example Units Description
Message ID $PSRF103 PSRF102 protocol header
Message 00 See Table 13
Mode 01 0=Set Rate, 1=Query
Rate 00 seconds Output – off=0,max=255
Cksum Enable 01 0=Disable Checksum, 1=Enable Checksum
Checksum *25
<CR><LF> End of message termination
Table 13 Messages
Value Description
LLA Navigation Initialization
This command is used to initialize the
module for a warm start , by providing
current position(in latitude, longitude, and
altitude coordinates), clock offset, and time.
This enables the receiver to search for the
correct satellite signals at the correct signal
parameters . Correct initialization
parameters enable the receiver to acquire
signals quickly.
Table 14 contains the input values for the
following example: Start using known
position and time $PSRF104, 37.3875111,
-121.97232, 0, 95000, 237759, 922, 12,
Table 14 LLA Navigation Initialization Data Format
Name Example Units Description
Message ID $PSRF104 PSRF104 protocol header
Lat 37.3875111 Degrees Latitude position (Range 90 to –90)
Lon -121.97232 Degrees Longitude position (Range 180 to –180)
Alt 0 Meters Altitude position
CLK Offset 95000 Hz
Clock Offset of the Evaluation Unit
Time Of Week 237759 Seconds GPS Time Of Week
Week No 922 GPS Week Number
Channel Count 12 Range 1 to 12
Reset Cfg 3 See Table 15
Checksum *3A
<CR><LF> End of message termination
Use 0 for last saved value if available. If this is unavailable, a default value of 96,000 will be used.
Table 15 Reset Configuration
Hex Description
0x01 Data Valid – Warm /Hot Starts=1
0x02 Clear Ephemeris – Warm Start=1
0x04 Clear Memory – Cold Start =1
Development Data On/Off
Use this command to enable development
data information if you can not get the
commands accepted. Invalid commands
generate debug information that enables the
user to determine the source of the
command rejection. Common reasons for
input command rejection are invalid
checksum of parameter out of specified
Table 16 contains the input values for the