RoyalTek GPS Receiver REB-2000/REB-12R REV-2000 Operational Manual
SIRF NMEA Input Messages
Set Serial Port 100 Set PORT A Parameters and protocol
Navigation Initialization 101 Parameters required for start using X/Y/Z
Set DGPS Port 102 Set PORT B parameters for DGPS input
Query / Rate Control 103 Query standard NMEA message and/or set output rate
LLA Navigation
104 Parameters required for start using Lat/Lon/Alt1
Development Data
105 Development Data messages On/Off
Input coordinates must be WGS84.
Set Serial Port
This command message is used to set the
protocol (SiRF Binary or NMEA) and/or the
communication parameters (baud , data bits,
stop bits, parity). Generally, this command is
used to switch the module back to SiRF
Binary protocol mode where a more
extensive command message set is
available. When a valid message is received,
the parameters are stored in battery-backed
SRAM and then the Evaluation Unit restarts
using the saved parameters.
Table 8 contains the input values for the
following example:Switch to SIRF Binary
protocol at 9600,8,N,1
Table 8 Set Serial Port Data Format
Name Example Units Description
Message ID $PSRF100 PSRF100 protocol header
Protocol 0 0=SiRF Binary, 1=NMEA
Baud 9600 4800,9600,19200,38400
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1 0,1
Parity 0 0=None ,1=Odd,2=Even
Checksum *0C
<CR><LF> End of message termination
SiRF protocol is only valid for 8data bits, 1 stop bit,
and no parity.
LLA Navigation Initialization
This command is used to initialize the
module for a warm start, which provide
current position (in X, Y, Z coordinates),
clock offset , and time .This enables the
Evaluation Unit to search for the correct
satellite signals at the correct signal
parameters . Correct initialization
parameters enable the Evaluation Unit to
acquire signals quickly.
Table 9 contains the input values for the
following example:Switch to SiRF Binary
protocol at 9600,8,N,1 $PSRF
101,-2686700,-4304200, 3851624, 95000,
497260, 921, 12, 3*22