Wireless RouterRNX-N400LX User Manual
Security issues are a major concern for wireless LANs, AES is the U.S. government’s
next generation cryptography algorithm, which will replace DES and 3DES.
20. What is Inter-Access Point Protocol (IAPP)?
The IEEE 802.11f Inter-Access Point Protocol (IAPP) supports Access Point Vendor
interoperability, enabling roaming of 802.11 Stations within IP subnet. IAPP defines
messages and data to be exchanged between Access Points and between the IAPP and
high layer management entities to support roaming. The IAPP protocol uses TCP for
inter-Access Point communication and UDP for RADIUS request/response exchanges. It
also uses Layer 2 frames to update the forwarding tables of Layer 2 devices.
21. What is Wireless Distribution System (WDS)?
The Wireless Distribution System feature allows WLAN AP to talk directly to other APs
via wireless channel, like the wireless bridge or repeater service.
22. What is Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)?
UPnP is an open networking architecture that consists of services, devices, and control
points. The ultimate goal is to allow data communication among all UPnP devices
regardless of media, operating system, programming language, and wired/wireless
23. What is Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) Size?
Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) indicates the network stack of any packet is larger
than this value will be fragmented before the transmission. During the PPP negotiation,
the peer of the PPP connection will indicate its MRU and will be accepted. The actual
MTU of the PPP connection will be set to the smaller one of MTU and the peer’s MRU.
The default is value 1400.
24. What is Clone MAC Address?
Clone MAC address is designed for your special application that request the clients to
register to a server machine with one identified MAC address. Since that all the clients