Wireless RouterRNX-N400LX User Manual
Item Description
Enable QoS
Click to enable the QoS function.
Automatic Uplink
Enable to allow RNX-N400LX to automatically adjust the upload
Manual Uplink
Speed (Kbps)
If not enable automatic uplink speed, you will need to assign an
upload speed.
Address Type
Select what will your network be control by. Either through IP or MAC
Local IP Address
If select to control by IP, you will need to provide a range of the IP
which you want to use QoS functions.
MAC Address
If select to control by MAC, you will need to provide MAC address
which you want to use QoS functions.
You will have two options; either by Guaranteed Minimum
Bandwidth or by Restricted Maximum Bandwidth.
Bandwidth (kbps)
You can set the actual controlled bandwidth under either the
minimum or Maximum bandwidth.
You can put your comments here to help manage this rule.
Apply Changes
Click the Apply Changes button to complete the new configuration
Click the Reset button to abort change and recover the previous
configuration setting.
Delete Selected
Click to delete the selected port range that will be removed from the
port-filtering list.
Delete All
Click to delete all the registered entries from the port-filtering list.
Click the Reset button to abort change and recover the previous
configuration setting.
3.7 Management:
Management section helps you with overall RNX-N400LX setup including a brief
overview on Status, traffic statistics, DDNS, Denial of Service and others which can help
you utilizing and managing RNX-N400LX better.
3.71 Management – Status
Status shows the current status and some basic settings of the device, includes system,
wireless, Ethernet LAN and WAN configuration information.