For your own safety do not try
and run the air compressor
while troubleshooting.
Low discharge pres-
1. Air leaks
2. Leaking valves
3. Restricted air intake
4. Slipping belts
5. Blown gaskets
6. Low compression
1. Listen for escaping air.
Apply soap solution to all fit-
tings and connections.
Bubbles will appear at
points of leakage. Tighten or
replace leaking fittings or
2. Remove head and inspect
for valve breakage, weak
valves, scored valve seats,
etc. Replace defective parts
and reassemble.
Be sure that the old head
gasket is replaced with a
new one each time the head
is removed
3. Clean the air filter element
4. Loosen engine clamping
bolts and move the engine
in a direction away from the
compressor, being sure that
the engine pulley is perfectly
aligned with the flywheel.
Tighten engine clamping
bolts. The belt should
deflect about 1/2” under 5-
lbs of force. Do not “roll”
belts over pulleys
5. Replace any gaskets proven
faulty on inspection
6. Low pressure can be due to
worn rings and cylinder
walls. Correction is made by
replacing the rings, cylin-
ders, and pistons as