Belt stretch is a result of normal use.
When properly adjusted, the belt deflects
about 1/2” with five pounds of pressure
applied midway between the engine pul-
ley and pump.
To adjust drive belt tension:
1. Remove belt guard and loosen
engine brace.
2. Loosen the four fasteners holding the
engine to the baseplate.
3. Shift the engine in the proper direc-
tion. The belt must be properly
aligned when adjustment is made.
4. To align belt, lay a straight edge
against the face of the flywheel,
touching the rim at two places.
5. Adjust flywheel or engine pulley so
that the belt runs parallel to the
straight edge.
6. Use a gear puller to move the pulley
on the shaft and tighten fasteners.
7. Adjust brace and reinstall belt guard.
Drive Belt
1/2” Deflection
Touch Rim of
Flywheel in Two
Straight Edge Parallel With Belt
1. When not in use, hose and compres-
sor should be stored in a cool, dry
Tanks should be drained of moisture.
3. Hose should be disconnected and
hung with open ends down to allow
any moisture to drain.
Straight Edge