Printing with NetWare
Printing with NetWare
This describes how to configure the
machine for use as a print server or
remote printer in a NetWare environ-
This section assumes NetWare is
functional and the necessary environ-
ment for the NetWare print service is
❒ NetWare must be set to active us-
ing the control panel. For more in-
formation about how to set it, see
p.13 “Setting Up the Machine on a
❖ SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin
To use a printer in a NetWare envi-
ronment, configure the NetWare
printing environment using
SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin.
❒ If you configure NetWare print-
ing using SmartDeviceMonitor
for Admin under the following
environments, NetWare Client
from Novell is required:
• NDS mode in Windows 95/
• NDS or Bindery mode in
Windows 2000/XP, Win-
dows Server 2003, Windows
NT 4.0
❖ Printers listed by SmartDeviceMoni-
tor for Admin
SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin
displays a list of printers that are
connected to the network.
If you cannot find the printer from
the displayed list, refer to the con-
figuration page printed from the
machine. For more information
about printing a configuration
page, see Printer Reference 2.
Install the NIB Setup Tool
Print Server Remote Printer
NetWare Basic Procedure
Configure the network interface board
Configure the NetWare
Start the print server
Restart the printer