1. Manually turn on device to be controlled.
2. Press and hold the SETUP key until the LCD
displays “
CCooddee SSeettuupp……..MMooddee
.” Release the SETUP key.
3. Press and release desired device key (TV, VCR, SAT,
etc.) on the LCD. The LCD displays the current device
and code. For AUX, press and release AUX key
followed by desired device key that you want to make
the AUX key become.
NOTE: If you do not press a device key after pressing AUX
then AUX will be a Cable device.
4. Enter the 3 digit code from the Code Tables (pages 12-16)
for your brand of TV, VCR, etc. depending on what
device key you pressed above (TV, VCR, etc.). For a
valid code the LCD displays ”
CCooddee SSaavvee SSuucccceessss
followed by “
CCooddee SSeettuupp……..MMooddee??
NOTE: For an incorrect Code entry, the LCD displays
IInnvvaalliidd EEnnttrryy MMaaddee
” for two seconds before displaying
CCooddee SSeettuupp……..MMooddee??
”and no changes are made.
5. If a valid code has been entered, press EXIT on the
LCD. Direct Code entry is now complete.
Direct Code Entry
Quick Reference Guide continued
To set the LCD on time:
Enter Setup by pressing and holding the SETUP key, then release…
Press SETUP repeatedly until
SSeett MMoorree OOppttiioonnss??
is displayed….
Press and release OK…
Press the UP or DOWN key until
SSeett LLCCDD OOnn TTiimmee??
Press the release OK…
Press the UP or DOWN key to change the on time of the LCD screen…
NOTE: The time intervals that can be set are in 10 second increments.
Press and release OK...
Press and release OK to confirm...
Press and release EXIT then OK to return to normal operation.
To set the light on time:
Enter Setup by pressing and holding the SETUP key, then release…
Press SETUP repeatedly until
SSeett MMoorree OOppttiioonnss??
is displayed….
Press and release OK…
Press the UP or DOWN key until
SSeett LLiigghhtt OOnn TTiimmee??
Press the release OK…
Press the UP or DOWN key to change the Light on time…
NOTE: The time intervals that can be set are in 10 second increments.
Press and release OK...
Press and release OK to confirm...
Press and release EXIT then OK to return to normal operation.