To delete all stored learned commands:
Enter Setup by pressing and holding the SETUP key, then release...
Press SETUP repeatedly until
DDeelleettee IIRR AALLLL??
Press and release OK.
CCoonnffiirrmm ttoo DDeelleettee??
is displayed...
Press and release OK to delete all the learned keys.
Press and release EXIT then OK to return to normal operation.
To set a timer event:
Enter Setup by pressing and holding the SETUP key, then release...
Press SETUP until
SSeettuupp aa TTiimmeerr??
Press and release OK...
Press and release desired device (TV, VCR, etc.)...
Press the key you want to program to activate after a certain time delay (ON•OFF, etc.)...
Press and release the UP key to select the HOUR...
Press and release OK...
Press and release the UP key to select the MINUTE...
Press and release OK...
Press and release EXIT then OK to return to normal operation.
To program a macro:
Enter Setup by pressing and holding the SETUP key, then release...
Press the MACRO key...
Press and release OK...
Press and release desired MACRO key (1-9 available)...
Press and release the desired device key.
Press and release all other keys you want to add to the macro
NOTE: Under each macro key you can program up to 20 commands.
Press and release SETUP.
Press and release OK...
Press and release EXIT then OK to return to normal operation.
To delete a programmed macro:
Enter Setup by pressing and holding the SETUP key, then release….
Press SETUP repeatedly until
DDeelleettee aa MMaaccrroo??
Press and release the OK…
Press and release the desired MACRO key to be deleted…
Press and release OK to confirm macro deletion...
Press and release EXIT then OK to return to normal operation.
To change key labels of the device:
Enter Setup by pressing and holding the SETUP Key, then release….
Press SETUP until
KKeeyy LLaabbeellss MMooddee??
is displayed……
Press the device key (TV, VCR, etc)…..
Press the key within that device that you want to change the label for…..
Repeatedly press it to display available labels for that key…..
Press SETUP to save the new label...
Press and release EXIT then OK to return to normal operation.
To exit setup while in setup mode:
Press SETUP repeatedly until
EExxiitt SSeettuupp??
Press and release OK…
You are now in normal operations mode…
Quick Reference Guide continued