Your new RadioShack 500-Channel
Mobile Trunk-Tracking Scanner is one
of a new generation of scanners de-
signed to track Motorola
Type I,
Type II (such as Smartnet
and Priva-
cy Plus
), GE/Ericsson EDACS, E.F.
Johnson LTR
, and hybrid analog
trunking systems, which are exten-
sively used in many 800 MHz, 900
MHz and UHF communication sys-
Trunking communications systems let
a large group of 2-way radio users (or
even different groups of 2-way radio
users) efficiently use a group of fre-
quencies. Instead of selecting a spe-
cific frequency for a transmission, the
2-way radio user simply selects a talk
group. The trunking system automati-
cally transmits the call on the first
available frequency, and also sends a
code that uniquely identifies that 2-
way radio user’s transmission on a dif-
ferent frequency called a data chan-
Since the trunking system might send
individual 2-way radio user’s calls and
response transmissions on different
frequencies, it is difficult to listen to
trunked communications using a regu-
lar scanner. The scanner monitors the
data channel frequency sent with a 2-
way radio user’s transmission and in-
stantly switches to an active frequen-
cy, so you can hear the call and
response for that 2-way radio user
and easily “follow” the conversation.
The scanner also lets you scan con-
ventional transmissions, and is pre-
programmed with service-search
banks for convenience. By pressing a
single button, you can quickly search
those frequencies most commonly
used by public service and other
agencies without tedious and compli-
cated programming.
This scanner gives you direct access
to over 33,000 frequencies, including
those used by police and fire depart-
ments, ambulance services, and ama-
teur radio services, and you can
change your selection at any time.
Your scanner also has these special
Ten Channel-Storage Banks
— let
you store 50 channels in each bank
(500 total channels), letting you group
channels so you can more easily iden-
tify calls.
Flexible Operation
— you can track
Motorola, GE/Ericsson, and E.F.
Johnson LTR trunking systems (used
by most trunking communications sys-
tems), letting you hear more calls than
many standard trunking scanners.
2000 RadioShack Corporation.
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20-196a.fm Page 2 Friday, June 2, 2000 3:48 PM