CT – FM transmissions with Continuous Tone
Coded Squelch System (CTCSS)
DC – FM transmissions with Digital Coded
Squelch (DCS)
MO – Motorola Trunking System
ED – EDACS Trunking System
LT – LTR Trunking System
If you change the receive mode using
MODE key, the scanner shows the receive
mode for small caps (ex. fm, am, ct, or
dc). If you want to change the default
setting, press FUNC then press MODE.
Dening a Channel
Go to www.radioreference.com for the latest
frequency references.
To dene a channel:
1. Press MAN.
2. Enter the bank (0-9) and channel number
(00-99) where you want to store the
frequency (Example: 101 for Bank 1,
Channel 1).
3. Press MAN again. M and the bank and
channel number appear.
4. Press PGM. M changes to P.
5. Use the number keys to enter the frequency
(including the decimal point). If you make a
mistake, press CL to delete a single digit or
hold CL about 2 seconds to start over.
Your scanner automatically rounds to the
nearest valid frequency. For example, if
you enter 151.553, your scanner rounds
to 151.550.
6. If necessary, press MODE to change the
receiving mode.
7. Press ENT.
If the frequency is already stored in the
bank, “Dupl.Freq. ChXXX” appears. To copy
the duplicate frequency anyway, press ENT
or press CL to cancel.
If you made a mistake in Step 5, “Invalid
Freq.” briey appears and the scanner
beeps when you press ENT. Go back to step
5 again.
8. Press MAN again. M and the bank and
channel number appear.
For information about adding text tags
to a channel or bank, see “Text Tags” on
Page 44.
Copying a Frequency
When you copy a frequency, all the channel
conditions, including mode, are also copied.
To copy a frequency:
1. Press TUNE.
2. Tune the frequency you want to copy.
3. If necessary, press MODE to change the
receiving mode.
4. Press FUNC then ENT. “Bank 9 Store?”
5. To select a new bank, press the bank
6. Press ENT. “Channel Stored!” appears