Potterton Solar - Solar Thermal Domestic Hot Water System 5
2.0 Commissioning of hydraulic station
2.1 Check pressure in the solar primary
After flushing and filling the solar primary system with
eat transfer fluid the pressure must be checked.
Pressure test the system (6 bar). Observe the maximum
pressure ratings of all components concerned.
Check the solar heating system for leaks.
Close the fill and drain valve on the safety group.
2.2 Ensure the solar primary system is free
from air
Switch on the power supply to the solar differential
temperature controller.
Manually switch the circulation pump ON and OFF
via the solar differential temperature controller
(see section 3.1.7) to pump fluid around the solar
primary system.
Turn the pump off and open the airbleed screw on the
air separator (Fig. 4 Item 1). Bleed any air from the air
separator. If the system pressure drops top up by opening
the fill and drain valve (Fig. 4 Item 2) on the safety group
and pumping in more solar fluid to restore the pressure.
This must be repeated until the pressure remains stable.
2.3 Setting the system pressure
During commissioning, the system pressure should be
0.7 bar above the static pressure (1 metre height
differential equals 0.1 bar). However, it must be at least
1.5 bar and no higher than 2.2 bar.
Determine the system pressure when the system is
cold (20°C).This should be recorded on the
Commissioning Record Sheet (page 21).
If the pressure is too low you should pump additional
heat transfer fluid into the system; the fill & drain valve
on the safety group (Fig. 4 Item 2) needs to be opened
for this purpose.When system pressure is correctly set,
ensure the fill and drain valve is closed and remove filling
hose from safety group.
Fig. 4