Potterton Solar - Solar Thermal Domestic Hot Water System 13
.0 Commissioning of solar controller
3.1.6 Menu“Programming”
All adjustable parameters can be checked in this menu
and, if necessary, changed.The default factory set values
will usually give efficient, problem free operation.
The number of indicated values depends on the
ontroller type and the adjusted additional functions.
Only the required values are shown at each menu step:
Indication Description Value range Defaults
max Storage 1/2: 15..95ºC 65ºC
5ºC Maximum temperature
dT max Storage 1/2: Hysteresis (Tdon) 3..40 K 7 K
7 K
dT min Storage 1/2: Hysteresis (Tdoff) 2..35 K 3 K
3 K
min Setting the speed control of the pump 30%..100% 100%
100 100% = speed control off
13:21 Clock 0:00...23.59 12:00
min Temperature start for the function 20..90ºC 40ºC
40ºC heating/cooling
dT Hysteresis heating/cooling 1..30K 10K
max Differential controller: Maximum 15..95ºC 65ºC
65ºC temperature of heat target Tmax
min Differential controller: Maximum 0..95ºC 15ºC
15ºC temperature of heat source Tmin
dTmax Temperature differential controller: 3..40K 7K
7 K Hysteresis dTmax
dT min Temperature differential controller: 2..35K 3K
3 K Hysteresis dTmin
min Timeframe 1(2,3): Start 0:00... 00:00
00:00 for the independent controller 23.59
max Timeframe 1(2,3): Stop 0:00... 23:59
23:59 for the independent controller 23:59
min Timeframe 1(2,3): Start 0:00... 6:00
6:00 for the tube collector function 23:59
max Timeframe 1(2,3): Stop 0:00... 20:00
20:00 for the tube collector function 23:59