2 Click Next.
3 In the Fast Configuration Wizard - Routes dialog box, enter the IP
address of the default router.
4 Click Next.
5 Enter the required DNS information in the dialog box.
Signaling Host
IP Address
Enter the IP address of the Central Signaling host. This is
the address used by endpoints for dialing in to the MCU.
Media Card 1/2/
3/4 IP Address
Enter the IP address(es) of the media card (s): MPM+ /
MPMx 1, MPM+/MPMx 2, MPM+/MPMx 3 and MPM+/
MPMx 4 (if installed), as provided by the network
administrator. Endpoints connect to conferences and
transmit call media (video, voice and content) via these
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask of the MCU.
Default value:
If Secured Communication is required on the RMX: complete the
Fast Configuration Wizard, Login, install the Certificate and then
enable the Secured Communication Mode.
Field Description
MCU Host Name Enter the name of the MCU on the network.
Default name is RMX
DNS Select:
• Off – if DNS servers are not used in the
• Specify – to enter the IP addresses of the DNS
Note: The IP address fields are enabled only if
Specify is selected.
Field Description