ISDN/PSTN Participants
ISDN and PSTN participants can connect to conferences and Meeting
Rooms directly or via an Entry Queue by dialing one of the numbers
(including the country and area code if needed) assigned to the
conference, Meeting Room or Entry Queue. When connecting to an EQ
they are routed to their conference according to the conference ID.
For example, if the assigned dial in number is 4045555, the ISDN/PSTN
participant dials this number with the appropriate area code (for
example, 678) and country code (001).
Conference Control Using DTMF Codes
Operation DTMF String
Individual Help *0
Conference Help 00
Mute My Line *6
Unmute My Line #6
Increase Broadcast Volume *9
Decrease Broadcast Volume #9
Increase Listening Volume *76
Decrease Listening Volume #76
Play Help Menu *83
Start Click&View to modify personal layout **
Change To Chairperson *78
Show Number of Participants *88