Chapter 4 – Administrator Configuration
FTP Server Configuration
Before backing up archives, you need to configure FTP server on the
Polycom® RSS™ 4000 for backup.
To configure FTP server for backup:
1 Select Enable Data Backup/Restore in the Data Backup/Restore page.
2 Configure following parameters in the FTP Server Configuration area:
Table 4-20 Description of FTP Server Parameters
Parameter Description
Server Address Enter the IP address and port of the FTP server.
User Name Enter the account and password for login to the FTP
server. If the FTP server has anonymous logins enabled,
you can click
Use Anonymous
button to log in using
anonymous account.
Enable SSL
Set whether to enable SSL encryption for the
communication between Polycom® RSS™ 4000 and FTP
3 Click Update to apply these settings.
When Polycom® RSS™ 4000 successfully connects to configured FTP server,
the Backup/Restore Status on the page displays Connected, and the ACTIONS
area on the left of the page shows available operation items: Backup Now
and Restore Now.
Archives Backup
There are two ways to back up archives on Polycom® RSS™ 4000 to FTP
server: automatic periodic backup and immediate manual backup.
To automatically back up archives:
1 Select Enable automatic backup on the Data Backup/Restore page to
enable automatic backup function.
2 Set following parameters:
Table 4-21 Description of Automatic Backup Parameters
Parameter Description
Frequency Select the period for automatic backup, measured in day.
Start Time Select the start time of automatic backup.
3 Click Update to apply these settings.
To manually back up the recorded files:
Click Backup Now in the ACTIONS area on the Data Backup/Restore