Polycom® RSS™ 4000 User Guide
System Management
System Configuration Backup/Restore
You can backup and save the system configuration of Polycom® RSS™ 4000
to the local computer for restoring system configuration in case of future use.
Supported configurations include:
• UI customization
• Hard Disk Warning
• Data backup/configuration
• IP setting parameters
• System time
• Recording Setting
• Security setting, including certificate, port and security policy
• Service setting, including AD server and calendar configuration
• Signaling setting, including gatekeeper and QoS Setting
To backup current system configuration:
1 Click Admin>Config Backup/Restore in the menu bar at the top of the
2 Click Backup button on the Config Backup/Restore page.
3 Set a saving path for the configuration file in the popup Save Files dialog
box, and click Save.
To restore the system configuration using the configuration file:
1 Click Admin>Config Backup/Restore in the menu bar at the top of the
2 Click Open button on the Config Backup/Restore page.
3 Select the configuration file in the popup Select Files dialog box, and
click Open.
The file path set before will display on the Config Backup/Restore page.
4 Click Upload to upload the configuration file.
5 Confirm to restart the system in the popup Reboot the System message
box to finish configuration restoration.
User Data Backup/Restore
Polycom® RSS™ 4000 system is able to backup user data to the FTP server in
the network, and restore system user data to the status of selected previous
time (based on the time points generated in the backup). Supported user
data include:
• Users and groups
• VRR, recording templates and channels
• Archives
Click Admin>Data Backup/Restore in the menu bar at the top of the page to
enter Data Backup/Restore page.