Polycom RMX 1000 User Guide
LDAP Server
To register RMX 1000 to the LDAP server, select LDAP from Type.
Figure 8-8 Directory Service - LDAP
Configure parameters in accordance with the table below:
Table 8-4 LDAP Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description
Server IP address of the LDAP directory server
Server Port LDAP server port No.
Base Distinguished
Name (DN)
Authentication Type
LDAP authentication type. Depending on different
authentication types selected by users, the system
requires configuring different options.
Use Secure Socket
Layer (SSL)
Specify whether to use SSL secure transmission or not.
Domain Name LDAP server domain name
Bind Distinguished
Name (DN)
LDAP bind DN
User Name User name of the LDAP directory
Password Enter the password (if available) of LDAP directory.
After the configuration is finished,
will be displayed if the directory
service is successfully registered, or else
is displayed.