Chapter 14 – RMX Utilities
Figure 14-14 Restore Configuration/Reservation Page
Resources Report
To know the usage of current RMX1000 resources, click the menu options
Administration -> Resources Report at the upper left part on the interface.
The Resources Report interface appears.
Figure 14-15 Resource Usage
The Resources Report page shows usage of audio and video connection
resources in the current RMX 1000 system.
Table 14-7 Resources Report
Setting Description
The item respectively shows the numbers of pure audio, CIF, SD
(4CIF/SIF) and HD (720p) connection resources currently used in
the RMX 1000 system. "0" indicates that the connection of this
audio or video format is unavailable at present.
The item respectively shows the numbers of pure audio, CIF, SD
(4CIF/SIF) and HD (720p) connection resources currently
available in the RMX 1000 system. You can select a video format
from the drop-down list and view the maximum number of
connection resources in this video format currently available in the
system. "0" indicates that the connection resource of this video
format is unavailable already.
This item shows the maximum number of available connection
resources in the RMX 1000 system, which is the sum of occupied
resources and non-occupied resources.