
In Today's activity you can see how active your day has been so far and get guidance on how to reach you
l Activity
l Active time: Active time tells you the cumulative time of body movements that are good for
your body and health.
l Calories: Shows how many calories you have burned through training, activity and BMR (Basal
metabolic rate: the minimum metabolic activity required to maintain life).
l Steps: Steps you have taken so far. The amount and type of body movements are registered
and turned into an estimation of steps. A basic recommendation is to aim for 10 000 steps or
more a day.
Press START in the Activity view to see how your calories are split between training, activity and
l To go: Your V800 gives you options for reaching your daily activity goal. It tells you how much longer
you need to be active if you choose low, medium or high intensity activities. You have one goal, but a
number of ways to achieve it. The daily activity goal can be reached at low, medium or high intensities.
In the V800, 'up' means low intensity, 'walking' means medium intensity, and 'jogging' means high
intensity. You can find more examples for low, medium and high intensity activities at the Polar Flow
web service and choose own way of reaching your goal.
Inactivity alert
V800 spots if you’re being inactive for too long during your day.
If you’ve been still for 55 minutes, It's time to move is shown. Stand up and find your own way to be active. If
you're not active in the next five minutes you'll get an inactivity stamp.
You can set the alert on or off in Settings > General Settings > Inactivity alert.
Both the Polar Flow app and the Polar Flow web service will show you how many inactivity alerts you have
received. This way you can check back on your daily routine and make changes toward a more active life.
Sleep information in the Flow web service and Flow app
If you wear your V800 at night it will track your sleep. No sleep mode activation is needed. V800 will
automatically detect from your wrist movements that you’re sleeping.
Your sleep time is the longest continuous rest time that takes place within 24 hours starting from 18:00/6pm to
next day’s 18:00/6pm. While less than 1 hour breaks to your sleep do not stop sleep calculation, they are not
calculated into sleep time. Breaks longer than 1 hour discontinue sleep time calculation.
Sleep time, and its quality (restful / restless) is shown at Flow web service and Flow app after V800 is synced.
The periods when you sleep peacefully and don’t move a lot are calculated as restful sleep. Periods when you
move and change your position are calculated as restless sleep. Instead of simply summing up all the