Using balance adjustment
You can select a fader/balance setting that
provides an ideal listening environment in all
occupied seats.
1 Press AUDIO to select FAD/BAL.
Press AUDIO until FAD/BAL appears in the
2 Press a or b to adjust front/rear speak-
er balance.
Each press of a or b moves the front/rear
speaker balance towards the front or the rear.
FAD: F25 FAD: R25 is displayed as the front/
rear speaker balance moves from front to rear.
# FAD:FR00is the proper setting when onlytwo
speakers are used.
3 Press c or d to adjust left/right speaker
Each press of c or d moves the left/right
speaker balance towards the left or the right.
BAL: L25 BAL: R25 is displayed as the left/
right speaker balance moves from left to
Using the time alignment
The time alignment lets you adjust the dis-
tance between each speaker and the listening
1 Press AUDIO to select TA.1.
Press AUDIO until TA.1 appears in the dis-
2 Press c or d to select the time align-
Each press of c or d selects time alignment
in the following order:
Initial (initial)Custom (custom)Auto TA
(auto-time alignment
)TA OFF (off)
! Initial is the factory supplied time align-
! Custom is anadjusted time alignment that
you can createfor yourself.
! Auto TAis the time alignment created by
auto TA andEQ. (Refer to Auto TAand EQ
(auto-time alignment and auto-equalizing)
on page 49.)
# You cannotselect Auto TAwhen NW mode
has been selected.
# Please set AutoTA appears. Thisindicates
that you cannotselect Auto TAif auto TA and EQ
has not beencarried out.
Adjusting the time alignment
You can adjust the distance between each
speaker and the selected position.
! An adjusted time alignment is memorized
in Custom.
1 Press AUDIO to select TA.1.
Press AUDIO until TA.1 appears in the dis-
2 Press a or b to select a unit of distance.
Press a to select centimeter and cm appears
in the display. Press b to select inch and inch
appears in the display.
3 Press AUDIO to select TA.2.
Press AUDIO until TA.2 appears in the dis-
# When selecting TA OFF in TA.1, you cannot
switch to TA.2.
4 Press c or d to select the speaker to be
Each press of c or d selects the speaker in
the following order:
Audio Adjustments