! iPod touch1st generation (software version
3.0 or later)
% Press BAND/
to switch the control
! CTRL iPod –This unit’s iPod function canbe
operated fromthe connected iPod.
! CTRL APP– Play back thesound from your
iPod applications.
! CTRL AUDIO– This unit’s iPod function can
be operated fromthis unit.
! Switching the control mode to CTRL iPod/
CTRL APP pauses song playback. Operate
the iPod to resume playback.
! The following functions are still accessible
from the unit even if the control mode is set
— Pausing
— Fast forward/reverse
— Selecting asong (chapter)
! When the control mode is set to CTRLiPod,
operations are limited as follows:
— The functionsettings are not available.
— The browsefunction cannot beoperated from
this unit.
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select FUNCTION.
3 Turn M.C. to select the function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the function.
! When thecontrol mode is setto CTRL iPod/
CTRL APP, only PAUSE orS.RTRV is avail-
REPEAT (repeat play)
1 Press M.C. toselect a repeat playrange.
Fordetails, refer to Selectinga repeat play range
on the previouspage.
SHUFFLE (shuffle)
1 Press M.C. toselect your favorite setting.
! SNG – Playback songs inthe selected list
in random order.
! ALB – Playback songs froma randomly se-
lected albumin order.
! OFF – Cancelrandom play.
SHUFFLE ALL (shuffleall)
1 Press M.C. toturn shuffle all on.
To turnoff, setSHUFFLE in the FUNCTION
menu to off.
LINK PLAY(link play)
1 Press M.C. todisplay the setting mode.
2 Turn M.C.to change the mode;press to select.
Fordetails about the settings,refer to Playing
songs related tothe currently playing songon
the previous page.
PAUSE (pause)
1 Press M.C. topause or resume.
AUDIO BOOK (audiobookspeed)
1 Press M.C. todisplay the setting mode.
2 Turn M.C.to select your favorite setting.
! FASTER –Playback at a speedfaster than
! NORMAL – Playbackat normal speed
! SLOWER – Playbackat a speedslower
than normal
3 Press M.C. toconfirm the selection.
S.RTRV (soundretriever)
Automatically enhances compressedaudio and
restores rich sound.
1 Press M.C. toselect the desired setting.
Fordetails, refer to Enhancingcompressed
audio and restoringrich sound (sound retriever)
on the previouspage.
Audio adjustments
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select AUDIO.
3 Turn M.C. to select the audio function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the audio function.
FAD/BAL (fader/balanceadjustment)
1 Press M.C. todisplay the setting mode.
2 Press M.C. tocycle between fader (front/rear)
and balance (left/right).
3 Turn M.C.to adjust speaker balance.
! When the rearoutput and RCA outputsetting
are SW,you cannot adjustfront/rear speaker
balance. Referto REAR-SP (rear output setting)
on the nextpage. Refer toPREOUT (preout set-
ting) on thenext page.
PRESET EQ (equalizerrecall)
1 Press M.C. todisplay the setting mode.
2 Turn M.C.to select the equalizer.
3 Press M.C. toconfirm the selection.
! You can alsoswitch the equalizer bypressing
repeatedly (DEH-2400UBand DEH-24UB).
TONE CTRL (equalizeradjustment)
! Adjusted equalizer curve settingsare stored in
1 Press M.C. todisplay the setting mode.
2 Press M.C. toselect BASS (bass)/MID (mid)/
TREBLE (treble).
3 TurnM.C. to adjust thelevel.
Adjustment range: +6to –6
LOUD (loudness)
Loudness compensates fordeficiencies in thelow-
frequency and high-frequencyranges at lowvol-
1 Press M.C. toselect the desired setting.
OFF (off)—LOW(low)—HI(high)
SUB.W (subwoofer on/offsetting)
This unit isequipped with asubwoofer output
which can beturned on oroff.
! This function isnot available for DEH-2400UB
and DEH-24UB.
1 Press M.C. toselect the desired setting.
NOR (normalphase)—REV (reverse phase)—
OFF (subwoofer off)
SUB.W CTRL(subwoofer adjustment)
Operating this unit
Operating this unit