
parents’ manual
1. Overview
This chapter explains how the BiliTx Phototherapy System is used to treat infant jaundice and it lists
the components of the BiliTx system.
Intended Use
The BiliTx is intended to treat hyperbilirubinemia through phototherapy.
What is the BiliTx Phototherapy System?
The BiliTx phototherapy system uses blue light emitting diodes (LEDs) to convert bilirubin to waste
products that are mostly excreted through urine and stool, thus reducing the bilirubin level in the
baby’s blood.
The Illuminator device sends light out of the ber optic cable to the entire area of the panel.
The panel is inserted into a protective cover. This wrap is soft and comfortable and allows the
therapeutic light to be emitted towards the baby. With this use of the BiliTx system, the baby
can be held and fed and enjoy the healing comfort of parents while treatment is administered.
Additionally, when the BiliTx system is properly used with the ber optic panel the baby’s eyes do
not need to be protected as with conventional phototherapy.