
Configuring an M3UA System on IP Signaling Points 168
Smart Media Software Configuration Guide 5 • Configuring SIGTRAN Applications
Creating an M3UA SAP
After you have created an M3UA configuration, you must create a new M3UA service access point (SAP) for
r system. The SAP is an identifying label for endpoints in your network. To create an M3UA SAP:
1. Cl
ick Create New M3ua Sap in the M3UA configuration panel:
Figure 273. M3UA SAPs
2. Configure the new SAP:
–Enter a na
me for the SAP
Select an SC
TP adapter to use
Select an SCTP source
–Click Cre
Figure 274. Creating a New M3UA SAP
3. Verify that the "M3ua Sap was successfully created" message displays:
Figure 275. Successful Link Message
4. Associate an IP interface with the new SAP:
Select an IP i
nterface from the Edit IP Interfaces list
Associate the interface with the SAP, using the "<<" b
Figure 276. Associating IP Interfaces with the M3UA SAP