• Configuration files must end with an empty line.
• Each parameter line is written in the form of XXX="yyy" (XXX: parameter name, yyy: parameter value).
The value must be enclosed by double quotation marks.
• A parameter line written over multiple lines is not allowed. It will cause an error on the configuration file,
resulting in invalid provisioning.
Configuration Parameters
• Both the KX-TGP500 and KX-TGP550 support multiple telephone lines. For some parameters, the value
for each line must be specified independently. A parameter name with the suffix "_1" is the parameter for
line 1; "_2" for line 2, and so on.
Examples of setting the line (phone number) for accessing a voice mail server:
"VM_NUMBER_1": for line 1,
"VM_NUMBER_2": for line 2, …,
"VM_NUMBER_8": for line 8
• The maximum length of a parameter name is 32 characters.
• The maximum length of a parameter value is 500 characters excluding double quotation marks.
• No space characters are allowed in the line except when the value includes a space character(s).
DISPLAY_NAME_1="John Smith" (valid)
DISPLAY_NAME_1 = "John Smith" (invalid)
• Some parameter values can be specified as "empty" to set the parameter values to empty.
• The parameters have no order.
• If the same parameter is specified in a configuration file more than once, the value specified first is applied.
• All configurable settings can be specified in the configuration file. You can ignore settings that already have
the desired values. Only change parameters as necessary.
• For examples of configuration files, see Section 8 Configuration File Examples.
4.2.2 Configuration File Parameters
The information on each parameter that can be written in a configuration file is shown in the tables below. The
information includes parameter name (as the title of the table), value format, description, permitted value range,
default value of each parameter, phone user interface reference, and Web user interface reference.
Parameter Name
This is the system-predefined parameter name and cannot be changed.
Value Format
Each parameter value is categorized into Integer, Boolean, or String. Some parameters require a composite
form such as "Comma-separated Integer" or "Comma-separated String".
• Integer: a numerical value, described as a sequence of numerical characters, optionally preceded by
a "-" (minus)
An empty string is not allowed.
• Boolean: "Y" or "N"
• String: sequence of alphanumerical characters
For details about available characters, see 4.2.3 Characters Available for String Values.
• Comma-separated Integer: a list of integers, separated by commas
No space characters are allowed.
• Comma-separated String: a list of strings, separated by commas
Document Version 2010.03.15 Administrator Guide 133
4.2.2 Configuration File Parameters