Chapter 5 Page 67
Chapter 5
Using Your Basic
Your handheld includes these basic applications:
■ Date Book
■ Address Book
■ To Do List
■ Note Pad
■ Memo Pad
■ Clock
■ Calculator
■ Expense
This chapter is divided into three sections:
■ “Overview of basic applications” briefly describes each application
and explains how to open it.
■ “Common tasks” gives instructions on how to do tasks that you
can do in most or all of the basic applications. It’s easy to transfer
what you learn in one application to the others because the
structure and behavior of all the applications are quite similar.
■ “Application-specific tasks” is organized by application and gives
instructions on how to do tasks that are specific to each application.
Overview of basic applications
Date Book
Date Book lets you quickly and easily schedule appointments
or any kind of activity associated with a time and date.
In Date Book, you can do the following:
■ Enter a description of your appointment and assign it to a specific
time and date.
■ Display a chart of your appointments for an entire week. The Week
View makes it easy to spot available times and any potential