Page 272 Index
1-2-3, for expense reports 257
Onscreen keyboard 22, 37, 75
pen stroke to open 201
Address Book 69
applications 17–18
Calculator 72
Clock 73, 130
Date Book 68
Expense 72
Mail 146
Memo Pad 71
Note Pad 70
To Do List 70
Organizer (Lotus PIM) 39
Outbox 154, 158
Outlook, connecting to 14, 240
Overlapping events 107
Owner preferences 223
Palm Desktop software. See Desktop
Passwords 52–57
changing 53
creating 52
deleting 53
for network 210
forgotten 56, 247
notes into other applications 70
text 75
Payment, Expense item 134
Pen stroke, full-screen 201–202
Peripheral hardware 9, 59
Personal information managers. See
Phone Lookup 88–89
Phone numbers
selecting for Address list 114
selecting types 113
Phone preferences 199
Phone settings for ISP or dial-in
server 212–214
Pick lists 17
PIM (personal information manager)
using HotSync Manager with 51
using with handheld 14
See also Desktop software
Plug-in applications 221
IR on handheld 181
Power button 5
PPP 215
PRC (application file extension) 46,
Preferences 25
Buttons 200
choosing 45
Connection 209
cradle setting 204
Date and Time 25
Digitizer 203
Formats 203
General 204
HotSync buttons 202
Network 209–222
Owner 223
Phone 199
ShortCuts 224
Web Clipping 200
Primary DNS 217
expense reports from Excel
records from applications 12
Prioritizing To Do List records 117,
Priority of delivery (e-mail) 152
Private records
displaying and creating 92–94,
lost with forgotten password 56
See also Security
Profiles 196
Punctuation marks
Graffiti writing 34
onscreen keyboard 38
deleted e-mail 157–158
records 76–77
See also Deleting