Appendix E – DL Commands
52 DL™ User Manual Rev 3
group add alpha
group add alpha com1,p20a,ontime,5
group add alpha ecutoff,3
group add alpha satlimit,6
group add alpha asn,25674337
group add alpha atype,502NK
group add alpha aheight,1.67
GROUP ADD groupname logname,trigger,period,[com1][,com2][,file]
The following destination override information should be noted for the above command syntax:
• If the destination override (COM1, COM2 or FILE) is not specified by the scheduler or by using the
LOGGROUP command, the logname specified is sent to the default destination. The default destination
override is a log file destination for a scheduled or POWERUP session and a user-specified destination for
a LOGGROUP session.
• If only the FILE destination override is specified, then the log specification will only be used if the default
destination is also FILE. In other words, a manual logging session with a COM-port destination will
ignore all log specifications for which the destination override is specified only as FILE.
• If the destination override is specified as either COM1 or COM2, the log specification will only be used if
no other session for which the default destination is COM1 or COM2, respectively, is in progress at the
instant the group is executed. This is only relevant if more than one LOGGROUP sessions are in progress
at the same time.
• Previous logging to the default destination is stopped before the beginning of a logging session. Previous
logging to any useable destination, subject to the above restrictions, as specified in the optional destination
override in the particular group, is stopped. In other words, any previous logging on the channel is only
stopped if the group is actually going to use the channel.
• At the end of the logging session, logging is only stopped on the session default destination. In other
words, log specifications with a port override that differs from the default port are not unlogged at the end
of the logging session.
GROUP ADD groupname pos fix lat,lon,hgt[,stnid[,stnhlth]]
GROUP ADD groupname pos ave maxtime,maxhor,maxver
• Either FIX or AVE configurations can be specified in the group but not both.
• Specifying the POS option without any other following arguments cancels any previous POS requests.
• The AVE configuration must have all the options maxtime, maxhor, and maxver specified where hor and
ver denote horizontal and vertical. If you do not wish to enter maxver or maxver and maxhor, then 0
(zero) should be entered in these fields instead. It is not possible to enter a non-zero maxver parameter
without entering a valid maxhor parameter.
• GPS receiver requests are cancelled for position averaging and fixing position on the completion of a
logging session that includes the POS configuration. In case of multiple simultaneous manual logging
sessions that include the POS configuration, the parameters from the session that is the last to start is in
effect for all the sessions. This configuration persists until the last session that includes the POS
configuration is stopped.
Syntax 3:
This function deletes group information from the non-volatile memory. It is possible to remove an entire log group, or
only an individual log from a group.