4 - Firmware Upgrades & Updates
32 DL™ User Manual Rev 3
The DL includes two distinct processors in its enclosure:
• a GPS receiver (MiLLennium GPSCard)
• an integrated power supply and data controller (PDC card)
Each of these components has its own microprocessor, and each microprocessor has its own firmware (program
software), which is stored in non-volatile memory. What makes one DL model different from another is software, not
hardware. This unique feature means that upgrading the firmware is equivalent to getting a DL with an entirely different
set of features! This can be done anytime, anywhere, without any mechanical procedures whatsoever. New firmware can
be transferred to the DL through a serial port, immediately making the unit ready for operation at a higher level of
performance. This also prevents rapid obsolescence.
The first step in upgrading your receiver is to contact your dealer or NovAtel Customer Service as described in Customer
Service, Page 8. When you call, be sure to have available your DL model numbers, serial numbers, and program revision
levels. You can obtain this information by generating HDRA and PSNA logs.
After establishing which new model/revision level would best suit your needs, and having discussed the terms and
conditions, your dealer or NovAtel Customer Service will issue to you the authorization code (“auth-code”) which is
required to unlock the desired new features.
The following sections will assist you in this procedure. Go to the appropriate section, depending on whether you are
dealing with the GPS receiver or the PDC card.
There are two procedures to choose from, depending on the type of upgrade/update you require:
1. If you are upgrading to a higher performance model at the same firmware revision level (e.g. upgrading from a
MiLLennium Standard rev. 4.50, to a MiLLennium RT-2 rev. 4.50), you can use the $AUTH special command.
2. If you are updating to a higher firmware revision level of the same model (e.g. updating a MiLLennium Standard
rev. 4.50 to a higher revision level of the same model), you need to transfer new program firmware to the
MiLLennium using the Loader utility program. As the Loader and update programs are generally provided in a
compressed file format, you will also be given a file decompression password. The Loader and update files can be
found on NovAtel’s FTP site, or can be sent to you on floppy disk or by e-mail.
These procedures are described more completely in this chapter.
The $AUTH command is a special input command which authorizes the enabling or unlocking of the various model
features. Use this command when upgrading to a higher performance MiLLennium model available within the same
revision level as your current model (e.g., upgrading from a MiLLennium Standard rev. 4.50, to a MiLLennium RT-2
rev. 4.50). This command only functions in conjunction with a valid auth-code.
The upgrade can be performed directly from Loader’s built-in terminal emulator, or any other communications software.
The procedure is as follows:
1) Turn on the DL and establish communications over a serial port (see Communications with the DL, Page 28)
2) Issue the VERSION command to verify the current firmware model number, revision level, and serial number.
3) Issue the $AUTH command, followed by the auth-code and model type. The syntax is as follows: