Appendix E – DL Commands
DL™ User Manual Rev 3 51
[arguments & data]
Command Option Description Default
GROUP ADD - Command
groupname group name The name of a group (e.g. “alpha”) which is either being created or
arguments &
destination override
Add or change a log directive within a group by means of these
fields, which are interpreted exactly as stated in the MiLLennium
GPSCard Command Descriptions Manual except for destination
override which may be a specified file as well as COM1 or COM2,
see the Destination Override section following this table. Commas
must be used; here, spaces are not acceptable. If the log trigger
does not require a rate (such as ONCE or ONCHANGED), then
zero (0) must be used as the rate. Offset log times are not
supported. A group can support a maximum of ten log directives.
ECUTOFF,value The parameter ECUTOFF (elevation cut-off, in degrees) is entered
by specifying the appropriate optional argument and a value. This
value is sent to the GPS receiver at the start of the group’s logging
POS, option The options are:
FIX lat,lon,hgt [,stnid[,stnhlth]] for a fixed position
AVE maxtime,maxhor,maxver for position averaging
See the POS notes following this table.
MODE, option The options are STATIC or KINEMATIC
Specifying KINEMATIC disables autogeneration of site records on
opening a log file. Specifying STATIC results in site records being
autogenerated every time a log file is opened (if it is not already at
a site). The current mode can be viewed in the GROUPA/B log and
is indicated by the GROUP_ST_KINEMATIC bit in the GroupStatus
SATLIMIT,value You can specify the minimum number of satellites desired while
logging any of the following logs: RGEA/B/D, MKPA/B, POSA/B,
PRTKA/B, PXYA/B, RTKA/B or SPHA/B, by entering this optional
argument and a value. Logging of these logs is suspended if less
than the required number of satellites are being used in the position
solution. This value is different from the “minsats” field in the
header log (HDRA), which describes the minimum number of
satellites used in the positions solution for any of these logs
actually recorded in a log file.
ASN,value Enter the antenna serial number by specifying this optional
argument and a value of up to 16 alphanumeric characters. It is
stored for information purposes only and is not used further.
ATYPE,value Enter the antenna type by specifying this optional argument and a
value of up to 16 alphanumeric characters. It is stored for
information purposes only and is not used further.
AHEIGHT,value Enter the nominal antenna height (in meters) by specifying this
optional argument and a value. It is stored for information
purposes only and is not used further.
Note: The GROUP command lists the group table information as a series of GRPA logs, which do not include the extended group information. Extended group
information can be viewed by issuing a PDC LOG GROUPA command.