4 - Firmware Upgrades & Updates
DL™ User Manual Rev 3 33
$AUTH auth-code
$AUTH is a special command that allows program model upgrades
auth-code is the upgrade authorization code, expressed as hhhh,hhhh,hhhh,hhhh,hhhh,model# where the
h characters are an ASCII hexadecimal code, and the model# would be ASCII text
$auth 17cb,29af,3d74,01ec,fd34,millenrt2
Once the $AUTH command has been executed, the MiLLennium resets itself. Issuing the VERSION command produces
a response confirming the new upgrade model’s type and version number.
Loader is required (instead of the $AUTH command) when updating previously released firmware with a newer version
of program and model firmware (e.g., updating a MiLLennium Standard rev. 4.50 to a higher revision level of the same
model). Loader is a DOS utility program designed to facilitate program and model updates. Once Loader is installed and
running, it allows you to select a host PC serial port, bit rate, directory path, and file name of the new program firmware
to be transferred to the MiLLennium.
Acquire Firmware Files
You must first acquire the latest firmware revision, which comes as a file with a name such as OEMXYZ.EXE (where
XYZ is the firmware revision level). This file is available from NovAtel’s FTP site (ftp.novatel.ca), or via e-mail
(support@novatel.ca). Alternately, the file can be mailed to you on floppy disk.
At least 1 MB of space should be available on the PC’s hard drive. For convenience, you may wish to copy this file to a
GPS sub-directory (e.g., C:\GPS\LOADER).
The file is available in a compressed format with password protection; you will receive the required password. After
copying the file to your computer, it must be decompressed. The syntax for decompression is as follows:
filename -s[password]
filename is the name of the compressed file (but not including the .EXE extension)
-s is the password command switch
password is the password required allowing decompression
oem442 -s12345678
The self-extracting archive then generates the following files:
• LOADER.EXE Loader utility program
• LOADER.TXT Instructions on how to use the Loader utility
• XYZ.BIN Firmware version update file, where XYZ = program version level (e.g. 442.BIN)
Run “Loader”
The Loader utility can operate from any DOS directory or drive on your PC. The program is comprised of three parts:
Program Card (authorization procedure), Setup (communications configuration) and Terminal (terminal emulator). The
choices on the main screen are shown in Figure 9 below: