Capacity (Approximate)
US measure Imp measure Liter Recommended Fluids and Lubricants
Air conditioning system refrigerant — — HFC-134a (R-134a) *8
Air conditioning system oil
HR16DE and MR18DE with M/T or A/T — — Genuine NISSAN A/CSystem OilType R (DH-PR) or equivalent *8
MR18DE with CVT — — NISSAN A/C System Oil Type S (DH-PS)or equivalent*8
Windshield-washer fluid — — Genuine NISSAN Windshield Washer Concentrate Cleaner & Anti-
freeze or equivalent
*1: For further details, see “Engine oil and oil filter recommendations”in this section.
*2: Use Genuine NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant (blue) or equivalent in its quality, in order to avoidpossible aluminumcorrosion withinthe enginecooling systemcaused by the
use of non-genuine engine coolant. Note that any repairs for incidents within the engine cooling system while using non-genuine engine coolant may not be cov-
ered by the warranty even if such incidents occurred during the warranty period.
*3: If Genuine NISSAN gear oil is not available, API GL-4, Viscosity SAE 75W-85 may be usedas atemporary replacement.However, useGenuine NISSANgear oilas soonas itis
*4: If Genuine NISSAN gear oil is not available, API GL-4, Viscosity SAE 75W-80 may be usedas atemporary replacement.However, useGenuine NISSANgear oilas soonas itis
*5: If Genuine NISSAN Matic S ATF is not available, Genuine NISSAN MaticD ATF may also be used. Using automatic transmission fluid other than Genuine NISSAN Matic S or
Genuine NISSAN Matic D ATF will cause deterioration in driveability and automatic transmission durability, and may damage the automatic transmission, which isnot coveredby
the NISSAN new vehicle limited warranty.
*6: Use only Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-2. Using transmission fluid other than Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-2 will damage the CVT, which is not covered by
the NISSAN new vehicle limited warranty.
*7: Available in mainland U.S.A. through a NISSAN dealer.
*8: For further details, see “Air conditioner system refrigerant and oil recommendations”in thissection.
*9: For further details, see “Engine oil” in the “Maintenance and do-it-yourself”section of thismanual.
*10: See your NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop for service.
Technical and consumer information 9-3