Touch the “Browse” key to display the titles on
the CD in list format. Touch the title of a song in
the listto beginplaying thatsong. Ifan MP3CD is
playing, touching the “Browse” key will also list
the folders on the disc. Follow the procedure for
selecting a song with the touchscreen to choose
a folder.
(Reverse or Fast
Forward) button:
Press and hold the SEEK/CATEGORY
or for 1.5 seconds while the
compact disc is playingto reverse or fast forward
the trackbeing played. Thecompact discplays at
an increased speed while reversing or fast for-
warding. When the button is released, the com-
pact disc returns to normal play speed.
Press theSEEK/CATEGORY button
a CD or MP3/WMA CDis playing to return to the
beginning of the current track. Press the
several times
to skip backward several tracks.
Press theSEEK/CATEGORY button
a CD or MP3/WMA CD is playing to advance
one track. Press the SEEK/CATEGORY
several times to skip forward sev-
eral tracks.If thelast trackon aCD isskipped, the
first track on the disc is played. If the last track in
a folder of an MP3/WMA CD is skipped, the first
track of the next folder is played.
AUX button:
The AUX IN jack is located in the storage area
above the audio system
. The AUX IN audio
input jack accepts any standard analog audio
input such as from a portable cassette tape/CD
player, MP3 player or a laptop computer.
Press theAUXbutton toplay acompatible device
plugged into the AUX IN jack. The AUX button is
also used to switch the audio system to a source
plugged into the USB input jack in the center
console. When a device is plugged into the AUX
IN jack while another device is plugged into the
USB input jack, the AUX button isused totoggle
between the two functions.
4-46 Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems