Pokémon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Time
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Time
In the dungeon, this command
lets you change game options,
conrm your mission objectives,
check for potential recruits, and
so on. “Hints” will give you useful
information, such as controls.
Check the ground at the hero’s feet. If the hero is standing
on an item, it can be picked up, used on the spot, thrown,
etc. If there is a trap, it can be deliberately triggered.
You can “Rest” while in a dungeon and stop playing. The “Quicksave” command lets you
make a temporary save le from which you can resume play later. Choosing “Give Up”
will return you to the guild as if you were defeated
without all your money and some
of your items.
Same as the Options command in the eld (P. 12).
Display the oor map on the bottom screen.
Check recently displayed messages.
Check the objectives for all jobs in your
current dungeon.
Lists the Pokémon that you may be able to recruit
to your team on the oor you are on. It also
indicates which ones have already been recruited.
Check useful information about playing the game,
such as advice on controls.
By undertaking the guild’s rigorous training, your exploration team
is bound to become rst-rate over time. Answer the pleas of other
Pokémon by taking on their exploration jobs!
Accepting and performing jobs posted by other Pokémon is
the main role of an exploration team. Chatot will also assign
new jobs depending on the experience you have gained
performing posted jobs. That’s why you never want to shirk
doing jobs. Jobs rank up in difculty from E, D, C, and so on.
You can accept up to eight jobs at the same time.
The Job Bulletin Board is on the left side
of Guild Sublevel 1. The jobs listed here
include item searches, Pokémon search-
and-rescues, item deliveries, escort
missions, and so on.
The Outlaw Notice Board is on the right
side of Guild Sublevel 1. The jobs listed
here all call for the capture or defeat of
bad Pokémon with bounties on them.
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