
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Time
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Time
In certain situations, the message “There was a
communication error” will be displayed. If so, please go
back to the Wireless Menu and repeat the procedures for
sending or receiving Mail, items, or team data. If there is a
communication error with an A-OK Mail or Thank-You Mail,
attached items will not be lost.
This section explains how to establish your wireless link for DS Wireless Play.
What You Will Need to Play Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time:
Nintendo DS or Nintendo DS Lite System ................................................One for each player
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and/or
Explorers of Darkness Game Card .............................................................One for each player
1. Make sure that all Nintendo DS systems are turned off, then insert a Pokémon Mystery
Dungeon: Explorers of Time or Explorers of Darkness Game Card into each system.
2. Turn all DS systems on. The DS Menu Screen will be displayed.
3. Tap the “Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time.”
4. Follow the instructions on page 21.
You can pair up with another player with a Nintendo DS system nearby to
go on Friend Rescue missions, trade items, and trade team data.
After you progress to a certain point in the story, you can ask to be rescued by another
player if your team is defeated in a dungeon. If you are rescued, you won’t lose your
money or items, and you will be able to resume your exploration from where you were
defeated. The rescuing player can be thanked with a reward.
1. When you are defeated in a dungeon, the screen shown on the
right will appear. Select “Yes,” then press the A Button.
2. You will be automatically returned to the Top Menu. Select
“Get Help” under the “Friend Rescue” command, then press
the A Button.
In some dungeons, you cannot send out for a friend rescue.
3. Select “Wireless Comm.” under the “Send SOS Mail” command,
then press the A Button. You can also select “Attach a
Message” to include a brief message with your SOS Mail.
Text input mode: You can freely enter your message (P. ).
Stock phrases: You can make your message using stock phrases.
4. Select and conrm the “Send SOS Mail” command to begin
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