Chapter 1. Getting Started | 5
Powerline 500 Nano XAVB5101
Product Details
The following figure shows the adapter in detail:
Ethernet port
Power LED
Powerline LED
Ethernet LED
Factory Reset
Figure 2. Adapter LEDs, buttons, and Ethernet port
Filtered AC Socket
The filtered AC socket can remove some electrical noise that can affect powerline
performance. Plugging the power plugs of nearby devices into the filtered AC socket may
improve performance.
Item Description
Power LED
• Solid green. The electrical power is on.
• Blinking green. The adapter is restarting or setting up security.
• Amber. Power saving mode.
• Off. There is no electrical power.
• Solid. The adapter is connected to a Powerline network.
• Blinking. The adapter is sending or receiving data.
• Off. The adapter has not found any other compatible Powerline devices using the same
encryption key.
The Pick A Plug feature lets you pick the electrical outlet with the strongest link rate,
indicated by the color displayed by the LED:
Link rate > 80 Mbps (best)
Link rate > 50 and < 80 Mbps
Link rate < 50 Mbps (good)
Ethernet LED
• Solid. The Ethernet port is linked, but there is no activity.
• Blinking. There is traffic on the Ethernet port.
• Off. There is no Ethernet connection.