Chapter 2. Powerline Utility | 11
Powerline 500 Nano XAVB5101
Install the Powerline Utility
This utility allows you to set your own unique Powerline network encryption key, and prioritize
traffic passing through your Powerline network.
All devices on a Powerline network can be managed from one computer. If you add another
Powerline device to a Powerline network, you can install the Powerline Utility on the
computer connected locally to the new adapter, or open the utility on the computer originally
used to set up the Powerline network encryption key. You can use any computer to manage
the network, but this procedure assumes that you are working from the computer that is
connected to a Powerline adapter.
To install the Powerline Utility:
The Powerline utility is a free download available from the NETGEAR support website.
1. Launch an Internet browser and visit
2. Scroll down to display the download instructions:
3. Click the Click here to download button and download the utility to your computer.
4. Run the file that you downloaded, and follow the wizard prompts to install the Powerline
Utility. Click Finish to complete the wizard.
The Powerline Utility shortcut icon displays on your desktop.
5. There are two ways to launch the Powerline Utility:
• Click this icon located on your desktop.
• Select Start > Programs > NETGEAR > NETGEAR Powerline Utility.